Dominis Publishing Books in Preparation
Dominis Publishing is always working on producing new publications for our readers. The following books are currently in preparation and will be published in the near future.
La Porte de pierre – Kamenita vrata
by Antun Gustav Matoš
A collection of 49 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
La fête des roses – Svetkovina ruža
by Tin Ujević
A collection of 42 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
La terre est une étoile – Zemlja je zvijezda
by Miroslav Krleža
A collection of poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Les broussailles – Šikara
by Vladimir Nazor
A collection of 19 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Adieu – Adieu
by Valadimir Vidrić
A collection of 25 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Le clairon de la Seine – Trubač sa Seine
by Dobriša Cesarić
A collection of 14 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Anka – Anka Satira
by Marko Marulić
A collection of 4 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Sonnets de Lapad – Lapadski soneti
by Ivo Vojnović
A collection of 7 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Sélection de poésie croate – Izbor hrvatske poezije
by 22 poètes croates
A collection of 67 poems in the original Croatian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Des os de seiche – Ossi di seppia
by Eugenio Montale
A collection of 60 poems in the original Italian with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.
Sélection de poésie européenne – Izbor europske poezije
by 17 poètes européennes
104 poems translated to French from English, German, Italian and Bosnian Collection of 104 in the original language with side-by-side French translation by Jugoslav Gospodnetić.